Monday, February 27, 2012

First Family Outting

So Saturday (February 25) we had an appointment at JCPenney for a family photo shoot at 1pm. 
Steven and I were both a little nervous at how Cohen would do.
We thought we may even need to cancel the appointment 
because all week he had been so fussy.

We have been giving him gas drops to try to help
relieve his little tummy.
Up until this point, though, it they hadn't seem to do any good for him.

Anyway, Friday night he slept for FIVE hours the first stretch. 
I felt like I was able to sleep forever. 
It was so nice and much needed. 
That was the start of our wonderfully perfect Saturday. 

So Saturday morning came. 
Cohen woke up and was just a content happy baby boy.
 I fed him, Steve left for his basketball game, then Cohen just sat in his bouncer while I got ready, then I got him ready, then Steve got home and got ready. 

It was now about 11:30am.
 I had last fed Cohen at 10.
 So we thought he for sure would be hungry at noon, 
so I would feed him then we would leave. 
Well noon came and he was just content and happy still!

So we put him in the car seat and left. 
We thought we would start going to Idaho Falls and as soon as he got hungry, 
we would pull over and I would feed him. 
Well he didn't get hungry until we got to JCPenney! 
So I fed him real quick then we took our pictures! 

Cohen did so great 
(...daddy did too)! 
Cohen was a trooper though,
 even when mommy had to change his outfit
 three times.

After taking our pictures and picking out/ordering our favorites, Steve and I were starving. 
So we put Cohen in his stroller and walked over to Carls Jr. for some lunch. 
Cohen slept the WHOLE time while Steve and I ate a very DELICIOUS burger and fries. 
It was so fun. 

Then we loaded Cohen up and headed over to Sams Club
 so Steve could run in and get a few things we needed for home. 
Cohen still slept. 
Then we drove home,
Cohen still slept.
We got home,
Cohen still slept. 
Then he woke up and was a content happy baby boy.
It was like the most wonderful day ever!
Then we changed his diaper--which he didn't like too much--and then I fed him.

After tummy time and just hanging out with mom and dad, he went to bed just before 10.
So Steve and I got to end our perfect family day 
with a movie--
Sweet Home Alabama.  

Life is full of sweet precious moments and today I feel very blessed.

Cohen's First Sunday

Well yesterday was Cohen's very first Sunday.
We got up around 9.
I got him all bathed and dressed in his adorable church outfit.
Then Steve mentioned that I got him ready a little early considering Sacrament meeting wasn't until 4.
The chances of him spitting up or having a blow out and ruining his outfit were very likely.
So daddy and I were on extreme caution to keep him clean.

We did very good--only two close calls (and both within 45minutes of leaving for church!)

Close call number one: daddy changing Cohen's diaper. Just as he is about to strap on the new one, Cohen let's it fly squirting daddy all over. But somehow none of the pee got on Cohen. Just daddy. Nice aim Cohen ;)

Close call number two: fifteen minutes before we leave for church. Steve is just tying his tie and I am putting on my skirt when all of the sudden we hear our sweet son (who was lying on our bed) just rip the juiciest fart. Now he has never had a blow out yet...some close calls, but nonetheless never a blow out. I was almost certain this was going to be the first. I was like, "Are you kidding me." Anyway, I go and assess the damage to find a VERY loaded diaper but luckily no poo on the  outfit.

So we get him all cleaned up and just as we are putting him in his carseat...he gets very upset and just cries! So we left five minutes early so we could drive around a little longer. This put him to sleep. 

We arrived a church, and our little Cobear slept the whole time. What a lil angel he is.
Then, just as soon as we got home he woke up and was hungry. Good boy, sleep during right when he gets home.

Before church:
 After church...we survived:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cohen Brian Dickson

And just like that the contractions came! I was always like "What does a contraction feel like, how will I know...?" yadayadayada and everyone was like "OH, you WILL know." Well, how true that is.

In brief (because I have already written 16 pages in my journal and STILL am not done with it...) here is MY labor story: (side note...I actually did it natural...and survived!)

Feb 3  
6:30pm           Dinner at Applebee's for some sweet n spicy buffalo wings (1st time ever having those)
                     While waiting for food, I SUDDENLY had my first contraction. Steve pulled out his
                     phone and began timing them. They were 30 seconds long and every 6 minutes. 

                     Then we went to the $store so Steve could get a container for his mechatronics project.
                     I nearly thought my water was going to break there in the isle!

9:00pm         Upon getting home (Steve gets his stopwatch and straps it on ;) we put on the movie RV
                    to try to get my mind off things (and to snuggle). Well, contractions increased to being 1
                    minute long every 4-5 minutes. 

11:00pm       Contractions still 1 minute long but now definitely every 4 minutes (the whole 411 rule)
                   Steve was SO incredible. He would hold my hand during each contraction and look me in
                   the eye. He was so Strong (throughout ALL of labor and delivery).

                   In between contractions, he grabbed our hospital bags and snacks and such and loaded
                   the Pilot.

11:50pm     I threw up. (Now I NEVER threw up. SO this was a huge feat). Who knew that throwing
                 up was part of labor.

12:30AM    Headed to hospital. I was dilated to a 3.5 and so I had to walk for 2 hours around the hall.
                 Walking when you are having contractions is like Hell. I hated my nurses for telling me I
                 had to walk. (Even though I know that is what they had to do, the pain was excruciating).

3:30am      Fully admitted

4:50am      Water breaks

5:00am      Started pushing

7:30am      After 2.5 hours of pushing, Dr. Lovell comes in to help

7:54am      Cohen Brian arrives!!! xoxo