And just like that the contractions came! I was always like "What does a contraction feel like, how will I know...?" yadayadayada and everyone was like "OH, you WILL know." Well, how true that is.
In brief (because I have already written 16 pages in my journal and STILL am not done with it...) here is MY labor story: (side note...I actually did it natural...and survived!)
Feb 3
6:30pm Dinner at Applebee's for some sweet n spicy buffalo wings (1st time ever having those)
While waiting for food, I SUDDENLY had my first contraction. Steve pulled out his
phone and began timing them. They were 30 seconds long and every 6 minutes.
Then we went to the $store so Steve could get a container for his mechatronics project.
I nearly thought my water was going to break there in the isle!
9:00pm Upon getting home (Steve gets his stopwatch and straps it on ;) we put on the movie RV
to try to get my mind off things (and to snuggle). Well, contractions increased to being 1
minute long every 4-5 minutes.
11:00pm Contractions still 1 minute long but now definitely every 4 minutes (the whole 411 rule)
Steve was SO incredible. He would hold my hand during each contraction and look me in
the eye. He was so Strong (throughout ALL of labor and delivery).
In between contractions, he grabbed our hospital bags and snacks and such and loaded
the Pilot.
11:50pm I threw up. (Now I NEVER threw up. SO this was a huge feat). Who knew that throwing
up was part of labor.
12:30AM Headed to hospital. I was dilated to a 3.5 and so I had to walk for 2 hours around the hall.
Walking when you are having contractions is like Hell. I hated my nurses for telling me I
had to walk. (Even though I know that is what they had to do, the pain was excruciating).
3:30am Fully admitted
4:50am Water breaks
5:00am Started pushing
7:30am After 2.5 hours of pushing, Dr. Lovell comes in to help
7:54am Cohen Brian arrives!!! xoxo
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