Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Roll Over Beethoven

He would. 
Cohen would do his first really cool trick when I am gone and Steve is home!
I am with Cohen ALL day every day and as soon as I leave for a one hour soccer practice he 
I wouldn't have believed Steve when he told me once I got home from practice but...
he had proof!

Cohen's first time rolling over:

Take 2: He's not too sure about it...

 (I love his little coo right before he rolls, like he realized his body was about to roll and there was nothing he could do to stop it because once his head goes...his body follows. And then his cry once he realizes he is face up when only seconds before he was face down. He's probably thinking, "Whoa, what just happened. One second I was lookin at the ground and the next I was facing UP!" What a cutie. I am just so glad that Steve was there to catch this special moment on video! Thanks Love.)
ps. this happened yesterday...7may2012


  1. That's so exciting!! Oh I remember the first time Shelby rolled over. She was on the same play mat you guys have for Cohen and all of a sudden she just flipped on her side and kept going. It was so fun! I wish you could have been there to see it! Now you've gotta work on the back to front flips if he's not doing those yet. He's soooo cute!!

  2. Thats such a fun moment to capture! I remember Tytyn's first time perfectly, it makes you so proud! Glad your hubby was there to video it for you!
