Monday, November 14, 2011

1 quarter of an inch!

yesterday morning as i was getting ready for church, Cohen decided to really make himself known. i do not know if it was his hand, foot, knee or elbow, but it was more than a little kick. something actually protruded out of my tummy a good quarter of an inch! i nearly passed out from shock, i hollered out to steve to come see. but by the time he got there i had pushed it back in. ever since, meaning all day yesterday and today, little Cohen has been moving ALL over :) his kicks and punches are definitely stronger and bigger now. in one hour this morning he moved 38 times! yes i counted. i'll admit, counting his kicks was more fun and engaging than my ed psych class. all i can say is time is flying by. next week is thanksgiving, then baby shower! then we get to come home and set up our nursery and the following weekend is another shower. THEN the semester is about over and Christmas will be here. after that, well the long awaited day of meeting our lil guy will be here before we know it! Cohen we love you and are so thankful you are growing and moving and healthy. keep it up my precious lil baby.